Tuesday, July 05, 2005

So Long, Madame Justice

I was in such shock on Friday at the news of Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement from the Supreme Court that it has taken me this long to even post about it. THIS IS EXTREMELY BAD NEWS, but you probably already knew that. SDO has every right to retire, and it's clear that W. would pass her by for CJ when Rehnquist retires, so what else was she supposed to do? But the fact remains that the loss of her moderate voice and frequent swing vote on critical issues like abortion and affirmative action stands to be a serious blow. A zillion groups are scrambling to lead the inevitable fight this summer over her replacement; check them out if you can, and see what they are up to.

I recently finished a fabulous new book about Justice Harry Blackmun and so have a new-found fascination with the inner-workings of the Supremes. Now, with Sandra gone, I can't help but imagine Breyer, Ginsburg and Souter (and maybe occasionally Kennedy?) huddling together in a dark corner of the Court, trying to strategize and stay strong in the face of the steady march of radical, strict-constructionist, original-intent, Scalia-led jurisprudence.

It's going to be a long, ugly summer, and we all need to brace ourselves.


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