Sunday, October 02, 2005

Dance Those Blues Away

Well, it's a bittersweet day when your ballclub falls just short of the playoffs on the last day of the regular season. But hey - those Phils gave us quite a ride this year, especially over the last six weeks, demonstrating time and again that "bounceability" is alive and well in Philly. So here's to you, boys, and we'll see you in February.

In the mean time, nothing cures the baseball-induced blues like some smooth dance moves courtesy of the king of cool, Gene Kelly. Checked out "An American in Paris" for the first time last night, and was practically brought to tears by ol' Gene's moves. His dancing is like poetry, really. Can't wait to check out "On the Town," "Brigadoon," and all the rest. Watching Gene dance is like having pure, unadulterated happiness delivered directly to your cerebral cortex. (Forgive me, Dr. Dave.)


At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to know that after all these years, my unadulterated (and sometimes embarrassing) love of the musical has rubbed off on you! You’ve had your musical epiphany, and I’m so glad it was Gene. Now I just have to get you to the next Mandy Patinkin concert and I’ll know you’re done for - there will be no turning back.

At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am SO out of it. The last time I saw Mandy Patinkin was - I think - on the Princess Bride. Didn't he play Inigo (sp?) Mentoya, self-proclaimed foe of the 6-fingered man? Or am I way off?

Kate, you are still as corny as Kansas in August.


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