Friday, October 14, 2005

Everybody Wants a Piece of My Boys

It certainly strikes me as humorous that two polar opposites from the U.S. Senate - Hillary and Pennsylvania's own Slick Rick Santorum - are setting up shop at upcoming U2 gigs to try and raise funds for their respective PACS. I don't know if this is a comment on the overwhelming bipartisan appeal of my boys, or if it's just some kind of sad and bizarre reflection on the twisted marriage of politics and celebrity. Perhaps both. But the band is understandably pissed, though I kind of feel like saying to Bono, "What did you expect?" Maybe I will have a chance to ask him when I see him speak at the World Affairs Council next week. (I guess a question about debt relief would be more appropriate.)

I am still debating heading down to one of the upcoming Philly shows: do you think Slick Rick would let me hang out in his luxury suite? Time to start working on my right-wing undercover outfit...


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