Thursday, March 10, 2005

Casey Jr. for U.S. Senate: The Right Path for Dems?

I read an editorial in yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer about how our esteemed Governor, "Sweet" Ed Rendell - erstwhile head of the DNC - has cleared the Democratic field of primary challengers to unseat the king of sleaze, Rick Santorum. Bob Casey, Jr. has already been annointed as the party's nominee for the '06 Senate race. While I recognize the vital need for Democrats to regain control of the Senate, is a move to the center really the way to go? Casey is strongly anti-choice and anti-gun control. Is the path to a Democratic revolution going to be led by figures like Casey who, when viewed in certain light, look an awful lot like Republicans? We cannot let the Republicans control the political discourse in this country.

I know there are lots of reasons why running Casey is the "practical" answer for the Democrats. But still, the prospect leaves me with a very bad feeling in my gut...


At 9:32 AM, Blogger MPomy said...

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At 9:34 AM, Blogger MPomy said...

Try for an alternative, a loooooooooooooongshot, but an alternative all the same.


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