Monday, October 31, 2005

Now That's What I Call Scary

Well, I don't seem to be getting anywhere writing letters to my celebrity heroes, so I guess I will return to form and just take this opportunity to ramble incoherently about the state of America.

W. really outdid himself today with his nomination of Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court. I would like very much to like the guy, being that he's from Jersey and everything, and he's been working in Philly on the 3rd Circuit for a million years, but I just can't seem to get past the whole spousal notification thing. In the limited time I had to learn about Judge Alito today, the main theme seems to be that he's actually to the RIGHT of our current right-leaning Court. NOT A GOOD SIGN.

My advice to the Democrats on the hill is to break out the fillibuster, baby. Now is the time to really throw caution to the wind. W. is like a wounded animal right now. We can't be afraid of him. He obviously wants to pick a fight with this nomination, so for the love of God, let's give it to him. None of this batting of the eyelashes and warm fuzzy crap we got with John Roberts. (I still can't believe only 22 Dems opposed his nomination. OH THE HUMANITY!)

These are dark and disturbing times. I take a little comfort in the insights of the Presidential historians who gather round the table at the News Hour and remind me of all the other incredibly f***ed up times in history and how goodness (or some version of it) always prevails. But that doesn't mean I am not scared s***less right now. HAPPY HALLOWEEN.


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