Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Do You Swear or Affirm?

The Alito confirmation hearings are underway, and as far as I am concerned, the man should already be tried for perjury for lying under oath during this opening statement. Something about how his personal feelings will not dictate his judicial decisioning-making??? BULLSH***!! Really, the entire notion of an apolitical judiciary is just a MYTH; they try to teach it to you in law school, hell, even in high school civics or whatever, but it simply isn't true. Most people, particuarly political people (and let's not kid ourselves, ALL JUDGES ARE POLITICAL PEOPLE!), view the world through some kind of ideological lens. And if such a person is given the opportunity to sit on a court -ANY court, much less the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES - he or she will undoubtedly take the opportunity to advance that ideology. Liberals do it, conservatives do it. Birds do it, bees do it. So can we please cut the crap about "activist judges?" THEY'RE ALL ACTIVISTS!! Some of them are just a little more discreet about it than others. And conservatives only belly-ache about judicial activism when the decisions being rendered conflict with their own ideology.

Anyway, I will tune into the rebroadcast hearings on CSPAN tonight. I will be curious to see if Alito bothers to answer a single question. After all, why should he? Roberts didn't, and he's Chief Justice now.


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