Thursday, January 12, 2006

Or Maybe She's Just Upset About Her Wardrobe?

I hate to sound insensitive, but what in God's name did Martha Alito think was going to happen when her husband faced questions from a band of frustrated, angry and appropriately skeptical Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee? Is she so oblivious to the political climate in this country and the profound significance of her husband's nomination to the Supreme Court that she could not anticipate that he might have to answer for some of the extremely suspect, ultra-conservative activities in his past?

Yesterday's weep-fest during the confirmation hearings was not entirely her fault, though. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) brought out the heavy heart-string ammo when he was so wildly out of line as to APOLOGIZE DURING THE PROCEEDINGS for the questions that her husband was having to endure. C'mon, Lindsey, I used to think you weren't quite as bad as some of your Republican colleagues, as you had the guts to stand up just a TEENY bit to the Bushies about torture tactics in the war on terror and other related issues. (At least I THOUGHT that was you...) But apparently I was wrong. Instead you resorted to cheap emotional tactics to try and make Alito look like a victim. GIVE ME A BREAK.

The stakes are incredibly high here, and as far as I am concerned, if a nominee or his family doesn't have the wherewithal to endure open discussion about his judicial and personal track record, then I say, STEP ASIDE. And as for Graham, well, there's just no excuse for what he did yesterday.


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