Tuesday, January 24, 2006

WTF, eh?

Canada has always been a great comfort to those of us who feel that the political situation in the U.S. is just a bit, how shall we say, F***ED UP. Conscientious objectors have streamed across her borders, and people displeased with the '04 election results took comfort in the notion that we had a big-hearted, progressive, national health care-loving neighbor to our north. Just in case we ever needed to take refuge there.

Well, looks like those days are gone, at least for now. Sweet Jesus, what is this world coming to? Was there a Karl Rove clone up there, pulling the strings during this baffling election season? They even had sleazy, U.S.-style TV ads.

I am trying to take the "positive view:" that is, Americans are not the only electorate zombified enough to allow a reactionary government to assume power. I used to think that our country was uniquely dysfunctional in that regard, but now I think maybe not so much.

I have fond memories of childhod vacations to Nova Scotia, Old Quebec City and Montreal. It's just too bad that the political climate is no longer quite so inviting.


At 11:08 AM, Blogger MPomy said...

It's not like we were going up there, but just knowing they were there was enough. It was like a cold security blanket - with bears.

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Em said...

Ack, BEARS! (As always, Number One on the Threat Down.)


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