Check this out: courtesy of some feisty Democratic Senators, you can ask a question of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. Make your voice heard during the confirmation hearings!! This is what democracy is SUPPOSED to look like...
Check this out: courtesy of some feisty Democratic Senators, you can ask a question of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. Make your voice heard during the confirmation hearings!! This is what democracy is SUPPOSED to look like...
It's too early to say what is to be made of W's nomination of Judge John Roberts to the Supreme Court. What I have gleened since last night suggests that he is a "nice guy" of the All-American Midwestern variety (captain of the high school football team - a HIGHLY relevant qualification for a Supreme Court Justice) with very little experience on the federal bench. No doubt he was chosen at least in substantial part because of his lack of a paper trail: no one knows what he thinks about much of anything, so what is there to argue about?
It's easy to forget about a lot of things during the chaos of a move, but things are finally beginning to settle down at the new digs. And as if on cue, as I was chilling out this evening with my favorite NPR program, The World, I was reminded that the price tag for our adventure in Iraq is a cool ONE BILLION DOLLARS PER WEEK. I don't even know how many zeros are in a billion. I don't even have any way of understanding how much a billion is. But I do know that that is one sickening and sad fact.
I was in such shock on Friday at the news of Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement from the Supreme Court that it has taken me this long to even post about it. THIS IS EXTREMELY BAD NEWS, but you probably already knew that. SDO has every right to retire, and it's clear that W. would pass her by for CJ when Rehnquist retires, so what else was she supposed to do? But the fact remains that the loss of her moderate voice and frequent swing vote on critical issues like abortion and affirmative action stands to be a serious blow. A zillion groups are scrambling to lead the inevitable fight this summer over her replacement; check them out if you can, and see what they are up to.